Reopening Plans

Learn how New Life Christian Academy is preparing to reopen and keep everyone safe!

CLICK HERE to download the School Guidance Checklist.

CLICK HERE to download Covid-19 Prevention Program Information.

CLICK HERE to download the PDF containing the information found below.

New Life Christian Academy Reopening Plans

1) Cleaning and Disinfection:

A. Students will have assigned seating in class. Classroom enrollment sizes are
small enough to create a 6ft. distance between all students during the day.
Teachers will disinfect students’ desk, chairs, and tables periodically.

B. Doors will remain open in the classrooms so students will not have the need
to touch door handles (weather permitting). Teachers will disinfect handles
and light switches periodically as well.

C. Students have supply list with items that teachers require parents to
purchase for each child. This will minimize the use of regular shared items
such as pencils, crayons, or scissors in the classroom.

D. Water fountains will be turned off for use. Students will need to bring their
own water from home, incase students forget or need more water, office will
maintain a supply of water bottles for students and staff.

E. Janitor will be required to clean and disinfect each classroom (5 classrooms
total) each morning. Teachers will disinfect classroom in between classroom
breaks and lunches throughout the day.

F. Restrooms will be cleaned and disinfected on the hour, every day. Wiping
down toilets, sinks, and light switches.

2) Cohorting:

A. Each classroom will remain in their own cohort. Students will not interact
with other children during the school day that are not part of their

B. All activities (P.E., recess, lunch) will have scattered times to allow children
to remain in their own cohorts.

C. Lunch will be done in the cafeteria only allowing for each cohort to use at
designated time. Lunches and afternoon recess will be scattered to allow for

D. Recess areas will be assigned to each group weekly. We have four recess
areas that will be used. This will eliminate the use of shared space in
between recess.

E. At arrival time students will enter school campus through main gate to check
in (temperature and wellness check) and go directly to classroom. This will
help minimize foot traffic on campus and allow for individual students to
walk to class.

F. Dismissal time will be done directly from classroom. Staff members will
direct traffic flow and call students as parents arrive for pick up. Students will
be called from each classroom through a walkie talkie that all teachers have.
This again will help minimize the foot traffic.

G. All students are dropped off and picked up by parents. No School Buses.

3) Entrance, Egress, and Movement within the school:

A. Entrance:

1. Staff members will all enter through the main door, staff members have different starting times which will allow for less foot traffic. We have 3 office staff, 3 support staff and 5 teachers. Every staff member will do a temperature check and a wellness check.

2. Students will enter school campus through main gate to check-in (temperature and wellness check) and go directly to classroom. We will allow one family to come to the gate at a time, check them in, and send them to classroom. (This is very doable since we only have 36 students.) This will help minimize foot traffic on campus and allow for individual students to walk to class.

B. Egress:

1. Staff members will leave campus from side gate (away from office
and main gate)

2. Dismissal time will be done directly from classroom. Staff members
will direct traffic flow and call students as parents arrive for pick up.
Students will be called from each classroom through a walkie talkie
that all teachers have (one family at a time). This again will help
minimize the foot traffic.

C. Movements within school:

We are an open campus which will allow us to establish students to use a one-way direction through campus. This will be part of our daily routine. Classrooms all have staggard passing times for recess, lunch and other activities that will require out of classroom time.

4) Face Coverings:

A.  All school employees will be required to wear either a face mask or face
shield covering nose and mouth.

B. Students

1. Kindergarten-2nd grade strongly recommended but not required.

2. 3rd-6th grade- will be required to wear a mask when social-distancing alone is not enough, including passing in the hallways, to and from class.

5) Health Screenings for Students and Staff:

A. All staff members will have temperature checked and must answer wellness
check questions which include covid-19 symptoms every morning upon
entering campus.

B. All students will have temperature checked and must answer wellness check
questions which include covid-19 symptoms every morning before entering

C. An ill employee will be sent home immediately , if employee must wait to be
transported home, he/she will be in an isolation room that is in the back of
the school office.

D. An ill child will be sent home immediately. Parents will be notified, and child
will be placed in isolation with a face covering until parents arrive for pick-up.

E. Students and employees will be allowed to return to work or school
according to the flow chart provided by the San Bernardino County Covid-19
Response Guidance for K-12 Schools (pg 3.) See attached.

F. Students with a fever of 100.4 or greater will have to remain home or if any
of the following symptoms occur.

1. Chills

2. Cough

3. Shortness of breath

4. Fatigue

5. Muscle/body aches

6. Headache

7. New loss of taste or smell

8. Sore throat

9. Congestion

10. Runny nose

11. Nausea/vomiting

12. Diarrhea

6) Healthy Hygiene Practices:

A. Restrooms are equipped with soap dispensers and no touch trashcans. Doors
to restrooms are always open and lights are always on. No light switches will
be touched.

B. Teachers will implement handwashing more frequently throughout the day.
Teaching students how to properly wash hands.

C. Students will wash hands in between transitions (lunch, recess, P.E.), before
and after using restroom, sneezing, or coughing.

D. Hand- Sanitizer stations will be placed through out the campus and be
available to all students and staff.

E. All students will be instructed on how to effectively use hand sanitizer
stations while be under adult supervision.

F. Signs are posted through out campus and restrooms regarding how to wash
hands properly.

G. All staff members will be required to wash hands before and after lunch,
restroom use, after sneezing or coughing or transitioning.

H. When hand washing with soap and water is not available, all classrooms will
have hand sanitizer with at least 60% of ethyl alcohol.

I. Students will be taught to use tissue to wipe their nose and to cough/sneeze
inside a tissue or their elbow and then wash their hands.

J. School will remind families and staff to stay home when experiencing
symptoms of COVID-19 or when a member of the household or close contact
is experiencing symptoms.

K. Students will be required to bring their personal face masks, but the school
will have masks available if student forgets or face mask must be replaced.

7) Identification and Tracing of contacts:

A. When there is a confirmed positive case in the school, staff and families who
could have been exposed will be immediately notified via phone call, text or
email issued by principal or designated contact tracer (Mrs. Caro).

B. A positive case will require those exposed to be quarantined for 14 days.

C. School will immediately notify SBCDPH of a positive case at school.

D. Contact Tracer (Mrs. Caro) will be responsible of maintaining class rosters
and maintain documentation of possible exposed students and staff. Either
principal or Mrs. Caro will be responsible for contacting SBCDHP.

8) Physical Distancing:

A. Classroom: students will remain in small cohorts no bigger than 14 students per class (some have 5 students) including recess and lunch. Teacher will remain with same cohort group throughout the day except for teacher’s lunch and break which the same support staff member will remain with group.

B. All students will be required to bring their own lunch. No Hot Lunch will be
served at this time.

C. In classroom students’ desk will be at least 6ft in between each desk all
facing forward.

D. Teachers will mark the floor to remind students of social distancing.

E. 3rd-6th grade will be required to wear mask when moving through the classroom.

F. Students will eat outside weather permitting. This will allow for physical distancing during lunch.

G. If students are not able to eat outside, the cafeteria will allow for physical distancing between students in each cohort. Students will have assigned seating and staff members will have time to disinfect each table and chairs after every lunch.

H. Staff will have staggard lunch times which allow 1-2 staff member in the staff lunchroom at a time. Teachers will not physically interact with other staff members due to cohorting.

I. Library: at this time school library will be closed to students.

J. No outside visitors or volunteers will be allowed on campus at this time.

K. Cubbies/lockers will not be used at this time. Students will keep personal belongings in individual labeled storage containers at their desk.

9) Staff Training and Family Education

A. Staff

1. All staff will have a copy of reopening plans for New Life Christian Academy.

2. All staff will be trained on how to properly use hand sanitizer, handwashing, physical distancing guidelines and its importance, proper use of face covering and removal, screening practices, how covid-19 is spread, covid-19 symptoms identification, preventing the spread, when to seek medical attention, including the importance of not coming to work when feeling ill or if someone they live with has been diagnosed with Covid-19.

3. All families will have access of reopening plans via school website.

4. Families and students will be educated on how to properly use hand sanitizer, handwashing, physical distancing guidelines and its importance, proper use of face covering and removal, screening practices, how covid-19 is spread, covid-19 symptoms identification, preventing the spread, including the importance of not coming to school when feeling ill or if someone they live with has been diagnosed with Covid-19.

5. An ill employee or student will be sent home immediately, if student or employee must wait to be transported home, he/she will be in an isolation room that is in the back of the school office.

6. All staff members will have access to face masks, face shields, gloves, hand sanitizer, hand washing stations, and social distancing provided by the school.

7. Teacher training will be in person, 6ft distancing will always be maintained including wearing face masks.

8. Parent training about new Covid-19 procedures and protocols will be done at back to school-night virtually.

10) Testing of Students and Staff

All staff members will be required to test for Covid-19 before the start of the face-toface start of school. Then teachers will be required to test at least once every two months
by their primary physician or community testing sites.

A) Staff members who are ill with covid-19 symptoms will be required to be tested for covid-19 and will have to be quarantined until they receive their results.

1. Positive results: staff member must receive clearance from primary doctor to return to work

2. Negative Results: staff member can return to work after symptoms have subsided without medication following school policy.

B) Students who are ill with covid-19 symptoms will be required to be test for covid-19 and will have to be quarantined until they receive their results.

1. Positive results: student must receive clearance from primary doctor to return to school

2. Negative Results: students can return to work after symptoms have subsided without medication following school policy.

C) Students and staff members who have been exposed will have to quarantine for 14 days. They will not be allowed at school.

D) Students exposed will be contacted to check in and see if any symptoms have appeared since exposure.

11) Triggers for Switching to Distance Learning:

A) Contact SBCDPH informing any positive cases and list of exposed students/staff (exposed within 6ft and 15 mins)

B) When 5% of the schoolteacher/staff/student have had covid-19 within a 14- day period.

12) Communication Plan:

A) If there is a positive case in a class, Principal will communicate with parents through phone call, email, or text message though SIS. This will help ensure all those who might have been exposed will be communicated with.

B) Students name or grade level will not be revealed to any parent or staff member. Student or staff member who tested positive will remain anonymous following HIPAA and FERPA.